Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Today started as any normal day... we woke up, got ready, came downstairs and grabbed our morning snack. Christopher wanted the same thing the boys were having. He ate his pop tart and then we put on our shoes and walked to the car. Arrived at day care, Chris and the boys instantly went in and started playing. I drove to school and as the bell rang, the phone rang as well. It was day care. After breakfast this morning, Chris threw up five times. I called the office and asked for a substitute as soon as they could.

By the time I arrived at day care, Chris was sleeping on the floor. I brought him home and he just lounged on the couch till he finally fell back to sleep. Even when he woke up an hour later, he was still very lethargic. Didn't want to eat, but he at least drank some water. He wanted to cuddle with me some more. Then it was a couple turnaround... he got up, grabbed crackers out of the pantry - ate and wanted to play with me.

I finally was able to put him down for a nap about 2:30. It is now after 4 and he is still sleeping. I hate to wake him up but I am going to have to since I still after to pick up the other boys from day care... Oh well... I'll keep you posted.


Unknown said...

The kid does everything fast...even getting sick.

Marathoner in Training said...

Poor kid, he did not get the memo to not get sick this week. Hope he is feeling better now.

J~Mom said...

Poor guy!! I hope he feels better today!